The school library is open to all bonafide students of the school. All classes are provided with at least one library period per week.
Besides nurturing their atheletic talents,this module inculcates a healthy competition and team work in students.
Highly Updated science labs to make our student gain skill by doing science experiements to learn in a better way.
the hostel provides them with an opportunity to grow into perfect individual. The hostel is based on the principle of ‘HOME AWAY FROM HOME’ .
Student can avail the school transport subject to the availability of seats. The route of the school buses are drawn and the parents should consult the school transport
The school clinic is looked after by a qualified doctor. Medical check up of students is done and record is maintained.
Some committed and patriotic people, who considered education as an artifice to educate the young generation according to Indian values and culture started the first school in Triveniganj, Bihar
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